Friday, December 28th, 2012
I initially intended to publish a monthly fuel log like my former colleagues and I used to do over at the dearly departed Long-Term Road Test Blog, but then I realized that the 500 Benz firmly insists on averaging 18 miles per gallon.
Nonetheless, I got some numbers for ya.
I mean, seriously, the average has barely budged since I bought the car in June 2012. It's like a diesel: no matter what you do, you're gonna get roughly the same fuel economy at the end of the month.
Anyway, here we go, with about 90% of precincts reporting (as of this writing, I've driven roughly 1,000 more miles than what's reflected here).
If you're wondering about my driving style, by the way, I wait for the temperature needle to clear 80 degrees (Celsius) and then floor it whenever and for as long as possible. True story.
Miles: 5,678.4
Gallons: 319.4
MPG: 18
More fun facts:
Best MPG: 23.97 (Nice work, Dad!)
Worst MPG:14.92
See what I mean? Boring. There might not be a "Fuel Economy: 2013" post at this rate. But it is kind of remarkable how consistent the thing is. I guess it's never really working that hard...but it's always thirsty anyway? Something like that.
posted in: Maintenance  
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