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Friday, January 18th, 2013

500 Benz Qua 500E's Daddy

A fellow automotive journalist and all-around standup guy just posted this on Facebook, and since I'm trying to get the word out about the tremendous content here at 500Benz.com, I decided to write a whole separate article about it!

Except I really only have one thing to say: yeah, the 500E's suspension got reworked by Porsche, but the essential source of its badassery is under the hood—and that part, folks, came straight from the 500 Benz.

You heard right: the 500 Benz's 5.0-liter M119 V8 is the very same beast that propelled the 500E to superstardom.

And because the 500 Benz was the first Mercedes-Benz to employ this engine, it follows that the irrefutably regal, universally loved-by-car-guys 500E...

...grew up calling the relatively unloved 500 Benz "Daddy."

Just sayin'.

posted in: Comparisons  


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