Sunday, February 3rd, 2013
Palos Verdes Drive is one of the more beauteous roads on the planet, in's humble opinion, so when mercedesmark and I found ourselves motoring upon it en route to Los Verdes Golf Course today, I naturally pulled over and strapped on the GoPro.
If you can get past the oppressive wind noise, I think you'll agree that this is one of the finest 500Benzlife videos yet.
Granted, the camera's a little low on a few of the golf shots (maybe that $80 LCD viewfinder accessory isn't such a bad idea after all), but man, what a gorgeous place. The pace of play at Los Verdes is almost always painfully slow—it was Super Bowl Sunday, and we still got stuck behind some miserable hackers who spent much of the afternoon yelling "Fore!"—but it's so pretty there that I don't really mind.
Also, the greens fees for me, Mark, and Mr. "190 Benz" Reed were $22 apiece. Compared to the $160 (plus tax) we each would have paid for the inferior layout over at Trump, that's a strong value.
This is the signature 11th tee at Los Verdes. See the mountains way off on the horizon? That's Catalina. And see all the fog in front of those mountains? That's the famous California "marine layer." The Pacific Ocean is under there.
Trump would perhaps literally kill for that view, by the way. His course doesn't have anything like it, unless you count the three man-made waterfalls. Which I do not.
Ah, we love us some California here at
posted in: 500Benzlife  Golf Reviews  Videos  
February 14th, 2013 | 2:29pm hollywood time | #3
seagal3 says:
Destination: Los Verdes Golf Course
Amazing scenery! Plus, some impressive golf shots. (These guys are good!) Hard to believe the miniscule charge for playing golf in such a beauteous spot!
February 5th, 2013 | 9:27pm hollywood time | #2
500benz says:
Yeah, great roads--PV Drive for the scenery, and Hawthorne (uphill) for the views plus the speed you can safely carry through those sweepers.
Visually, that area reminds me of both Big Sur (steep cliffs falling into the ocean) and the Cinque Terre on the Italian Riviera. Good company!
February 5th, 2013 | 6:53pm hollywood time | #1
bill300sl says:
thanks for the video, really enjoyed it. I spent 3 yrs in Redondo Beach and this road was my fav for taking my 71 triumph bonneville out. The loop all the way over to San Pedro to Century Cycle and back was my best ride without leaving South Bay.
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